Mar 29, 2013

First Impression of Paris

The plane arrived at CDG on a chilly morning. Two hours later I finally found my living place on a quiet street Rue de Froment on the right bank. My dorm is a guest room in an apartment. The host is a journalist, originally from Italy but has been working and living in Paris for years. The clean and cozy bedroom immediately cheered me up. 

It was already 3pm and I decided to take a walk nearby. My lonely planet pocket book directed my to Maison de Victor Hugo, within walking distance from my place. The great writer Victor Hugo lived in this house and completed Les Misérable, but he definitely did more than that. Hugo has a great passion for chinese art, and designed a whole room called Le salon chinois. He collected a wall of china including plates, vases and other decorative objects. Even the light above was imitating that in the palace. The three most attracting things to me were wallpaper, lights and frames. I can see how much effort Hugo put in decorating this room- the choose of wallpaper and their corresponding lights all reflect his meticulous design. Coming out of the maison, I headed to Café des Phares, a famous philocafé where people engage in philosophical discussions. Apparently nobody would check the authenticity about its authenticity, since it does not look any different than other cafés. I ordered a tiramisu du jour, which is indicated specifically on the menu that the quality depends on the chef's mood. The tiramisu came in a jar and it was neither too greasy nor sweet - I guess Monsieur chef was in a good mood!

I went to bed super early that night due to the jetlag. Nine hours later I woke up freshly (the queen-size bed totally made me sleep like a rock)! I went to the two islands on the Seine, which are still within walking distance but a bit further. Île Saint-Louis is home to gourmand and art-lovers. There you can taste the famous Berthillon ice cream and the authentic foie gras. Craft shops dot the island, and you have to decide which side to walk along because you would miss the view of side anyway - a serious trade-off :/ I resolved this problem by walking back and forth, which worked out just fine! After a river-view lunch, I walked to île de la cité where the Cathedral de Notre Dame situates. Seeing the long line waiting outside, I decided to sit on the steps in front of the cathedral and look at this magnificent architecture with reverence.

On my way back home, I saw someone playing the piano on Pont Saint-Louis, the music pieces are those that you can think of without a think.

I was not as excited as I thought I would be. Maybe I still need some time to figure out how I am going to get around this city. The beauty of Paris is not only these tourist attractions, but also the visiting people and other intouchable things.

street corner

again, street corner

Mar 26, 2013



出行一个月前在Airbnb上订了一间位于upperwest side的房间。这是私人公寓房中的一间,与中央公园仅一步之隔。爱极了房间的装修,随意的陈列透露出古旧的气息,让人颇感自在。现在总结出来,在纽约住宿只要位于106和10街之间,靠近地铁,都很方便。市中心40-60街之间反而不适宜落脚,太吵闹,个人观点。

 uppereast side residential hall
 two cups displayed in a Japanese gallery during the Asia week

第一天去了Asia Society。若不是之前教授推荐,很难发现这个小展览馆。它是一幢三层楼的建筑,位于上东区。藏品包含了印度的黄铜、石头佛像,中国的陶器、瓷器、唐三彩,以及日本的各种器皿。每次在美国博物馆看到亚洲的藏品都很兴奋,然后认认真真得读标签。总觉得从不同的文化角度去欣赏另一种文化是件很妙的事。艺术品从不局限于语言这个载体。

每个周末,brooklyn都有盛大的flea market。小时候一直被教育二手物品是被丢弃的,不再有任何价值的东西,加之上一任主人未知,物品的清洁度是个很大的问题。后来慢慢发现在flea market淘到属于自己的东西是一门学问。一样东西被拥有过就有生命,被再次拥有是一种生命的延续。在虚张声势的“做旧”盛行的今天,为什么不少花点儿银子买些真正的有历史的家具/衣服呢?

从flea market回来去soho。和第五大道一样是个物欲横流的地方,只是精品店风格略不同,大多是新晋的欧美设计师品牌,尤其活跃在四大时装周。年久失修的房屋外墙和精致的橱窗店面形成鲜明对比,真是优雅的邋遢。就连苹果专卖店都有了不一样的DNA。

 Fifth Avenue除了是名牌聚集地以外还是暴走族的天堂。一边走一边看沿途的高楼大厦,白天看玻璃外墙里虚幻的城市镜像,晚上看永不疲倦的城市灯光;偶尔会思考到底是我在看两旁的精品店还是它们在看我,显然它们驻扎在这座城市的年头比许多路人都久。

Mar 25, 2013

Food in NYC

1. Lady M 
41 East 78th street

This is a cake boutique that makes the taste-delicious and look-gorgeous cakes. The signature Green Tea Mille Crêpes give you a vibrant tea flavour and rich texture of lacy thin crêpes mixed with light pastry cream. Not too sweet, not too much, just a little slice and your life is spiced up. Oh by the way, their mozzarella sandwich is also pretty good. Do not forget to ask them to toast your sandwich!

2. Franchia Vegan Café
12 Park Ave, between 34 and 35th st
You cannot tell from the name that this is a japanese restaurant! The decoration and the whole atmosphere will bring you to another world. My phone was not functioning when I entered this restaurant so I sketched the mug.

3. Totto Ramen
366w 52nd st

I have to admit that this is the first time in my life that I take a train across 50 streets and wait for an hour and a half to get a bowl of ramen. Yes I am a gourmand.
Definitly try the cha siu pork bun and whatever ramen on the menu. Get ready to wait for at least an hour for the ultimate ramen; a novel and an ipad with TV shows or a companian is highly recommended! (Did a sketch while waiting in line. The calligraphy means "bird man")
Totto never disappoints you!

Mar 21, 2013

飲食男女 Eat Drink Man Woman

看完电影之后找到法国版海报,两张都很喜欢,一同放在这儿。原版封面不知为何让我想起老舍,有那么点《骆驼祥子》和《茶馆》的感觉。另一点让我费解的是字体,好奇“男女”为何要用类似篆书的字体,弄得跟鼎似的,兴许是为了和饮食呼应?再说法语版海报。标题大改动,salé sucré意味咸甜,既代表了食物的味道,又暗示了生活的现实-有咸有甜,有滋有味。不知道这部电影在以本国饮食文化为傲的法国反响如何。不同于法式大餐的精致,中式大餐,特别是中式家庭大餐,似乎更有人情味儿。







Mar 18, 2013

Food in Chicago

Speaking of food in Chicago, the first three that a tourist like me could name are: deep dish pizza, hot dogs and steak. Apparently it's more than these!!

My friend took me to a famous brunch place called Yolk. I was almost scared away by the crowd, and we were told to wait twenty five minutes! Thanks to my friend's insistence that I did not miss the visually appealing and gustatively pleasant brunch! I ordered "tour de france", a collection of three signature french toasts topped with blueberry, banana and strawberry. C'est magnifique!!! ( I forgot to take a picture :( )

The next day I went to a small Vietnamese restaurant in Belmont called Nhu Lan. I was told that their sandwich was really good. Since I was on a vegetarian diet this week, I got a vegetarian classic sandwich. It looked no different from a subway sandwhich, except thicker and less oily. They have great non-veggy sandwiches too, such as chinese port, beef ball, turkey... Prices range from $4.5 - $9.0.

Alright, last but not least, the Garrett Popcorn! The one on the left is the famous chicago mix (caramel and cheese popcorn, together give you a balance of sweetness and saltiness), and the other is their new product chocolate coated popcorn. I could not help to have more once I started. So they end up being my dinner..

An unrelevant picture. I just love the way the pigeon strolling on the street.

Mar 17, 2013

Sans amour, on n’est rien

La Môme (La vie en rose)

The Life story of singer Édith Piaf.

Her début. Timid, with doubt, in a little black dress (a detail that worths notice because Édith wears black dresses on the stage ever since)

Met her love of life. (btw, does this question only works in 40s/50s? wondering what the reaction will be if a girl is asked this question on her first date... )

Lived in California in her late years. A local reporter (in elegant Jacqueline Kennedy outfit) interviewed Édith.

Can hardly recognize that this is our gorgeous Marion Cotillard!! Anyway, a philosophical question that is at the core of the whole movie.

"Are you afraid of death?"